It’s time to get serious about your hair and a banana hair mask is a great place to start. Mashed banana on your hair might sound a little crazy, but you will be surprised what a difference a banana hair mask can make!

So what makes bananas so great?

Aside from coming in their own handy wrapper, bananas have long been a tasty source of nutrition. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium. While it’s true that potassium can be found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and even meats, it only takes one banana to provide you with 23% of the potassium that you need on a daily basis.  Bananas are high in Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, and magnesium, but free of sodium and cholesterol. At the same time, they are almost fat free, and relatively low in calories—depending on its size, a banana has only about 90 to 110 calories. They contain high-grade protein and three of the essential amino acids. And bananas contain 41% of the daily requirement for vitamin B6.

And Bananas for hair?

The benefits of bananas are not just limited to health but also make excellent beauty treatments as well. This tropical fruit is an effective beauty treatment for skin as well as hair. Bananas are great for your hair and scalp. They improve manageability and shine, prevent and control dandruff, and moisturize your scalp. Bananas are rich in potassium, natural oils, carbohydrates and vitamins, which help soften the hair and protect the hair’s natural elasticity, preventing split ends and breakage.  While many banana hair products are available only at expensive spas and salons, there are lots of DIY recipes you can prepare easily in your own kitchen. Just like a facial mask enhances the glow of your face, a banana hair mask also improves your hair dramatically and instantly. Bananas are full of vitamins and are a number one ingredient for strengthening and volumizing the hair. Bananas also help repair dry and sun-damaged hair.

Oh, and remember all that potassium? Your hair also loves potassium because it’s great for strengthening and thickening fine hair.  The recipe you’ll need will depend on what type of hair you have and what types of problems you may be experiencing with your hair.  We’ve put together some recipes for banana hair masks that cover a wide range of hair types and problems. Take a look before you decide which one is just right for you.

Moisturizing Banana, Rose and Coconut Hair Mask

True, this recipe may sound more like the base of a tropical drink you would expect to enjoy by a pool in Hawaii but it’s actually a fantastic moisturizer for dry or coarse hair. Remember not to use more coconut oil than is called for, as it could leave your hair looking greasy. When used properly, however, this mask will soften even the most stubborn tresses.

Coconut is not only delicious but it’s also full of amazing hair-healing properties. Unlike many store-bought products that simply add a synthetic coating to the strands of your hair, the chemical structure of coconut oil enables the fatty acids to actually penetrate the hair shaft. Your hair will be rejuvenated from the inside out! Coconut oil physically replenishes and adds volume to the hair for long-lasting moisture and shine.

Coconut milk applied to the scalp gives a cooling sensation. It nourishes your hair by giving natural moisture from roots to ends. And coconut milk is a great organic hair conditioner, which will give you longer and thicker hair.

Rose petal powder is hydrating, soothing and anti-inflammatory.


  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (use even less if you have fine or short hair)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut milk
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon Love My Hair rose petal powder


In a bowl, mash the banana. Add coconut oil, rose petal powder and milk and mix well.

Apply to clean, dry hair, covering all hair right to the ends.

Cover hair with plastic shower cap or Saran wrap and leave for 30 minutes.

Rinse thoroughly. Shampoo and condition as normal.

Banana, Avocado and Bhringraj Mask for Hair Growth 

A perfect mask to help fortify and strengthen your hair, while moisturizing to help grow out those long locks you’ve always wanted.

Supercharged with vitamins A, D, E and B6, avocado is also high in proteins, amino acids, magnesium, folic acid, copper and iron. The oils in avocados are one of the few that can penetrate the cuticle and actually moisturize hair.

Egg whites control sebum secretion in the scalp by tightening the hair follicles. This will reduce the amount of sebum secreted through the hair follicles and remove excess oils from your scalp and hair. What’s more, egg whites are filled with bacteria hindering enzymes to keep your scalp clean and healthy.

Eggs are rich in protein, vitamins and fat—perfect for nursing dry hair back to health. Egg yolks nourish, moisturize, and lubricate dry damaged hair. For damaged hair, egg yolk will strengthen hair follicles and roots. A powerhouse for deep conditioning, egg yolk softens hair, revitalizes it, and transforms it back into silky smooth locks. Egg yolks can also prevent hair loss.

Olive oil has been an essential ingredient in hair health since ancient times. This wonderful oil is rich in vitamin E and healthy fat. Prevent breakage and strengthen hair strands by using olive oil to hydrate dry or brittle hair.

Bhringraj herb has been scientifically proven to increase hair growth. It does this by opening up blocked follicles and increasing circulation to the scalp.


  • ½ ripe avocado, mashed
  • ½ ripe banana, mashed
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon Love My Hair Bhringraj powder


Puree avocado and banana together until no clumps are present.

Add in beaten egg, Bhringraj and olive oil. Mix thoroughly.

Apply to dry hair and leave in for 15 to 30 minutes.

Rinse with cool water. (Warm or hot water will cook the egg.)

Shampoo and condition as normal.

Banana, Cassia and Honey Mask for Fine or Thin Hair

While frizzy hair is often difficult to control, those of us with fine hair struggle to pump some life into limp locks.

Though fine hair is largely genetic, thin hair has a variety causes from medical (thyroid issues, hormones), to stress, to styling tools and processes. For suddenly thinning hair, you should talk to your doctor but there are also natural ways to boost lifeless hair.

You’ll go bananas over what potassium can do for you— it’s great for strengthening and thickening fine hair. Bananas nourish the scalp and hair follicles, help maintain natural hair elasticity, and prevent breakage and split ends.

Honey, a natural humectant, —will add moisture and shine to even the dullest head of hair.

Cassia adds volume, shine and strength to hair.


  • 1-2 bananas depending on size
  • 1-2 tablespoon(s) of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of Love My Hair Cassia powder


Mash the banana(s) in a bowl until smooth, and then add the honey and Cassia to your mashed bananas.

Apply the mixture to clean dry or slightly damp hair. Cover with a shower cap, towel or saran wrap and wait 20-30 minutes.

Rinse out hair mask. Shampoo and condition as normal.

We all enjoy healthy, strong, shiny hair and these banana hair mask recipes will get you started, whether you try them all or just choose one special recipe. Your hair will be happy!


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